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Illustration «Golden Goose»
Making off

December 15, 2017

Geese have a beak, with a large height at the base and with a sharp edge in the end. Beak along the edges has small denticles. Feathers and down are well developed. Males practically don’t differences from females – the difference consists only in a bone growth “hump” in beak’s beginning at the nose, and also in a larger body size. Many geese giggle or make muttering sounds, they hiss at danger and with irritation.

Goose battles are almost a disappearance of fun, which was once very popular in Russia along with cock-cock fights.

Each gander kept two geeses, which should be provocative instigators, without which the gander or not at all enter into battle, or will soon “remove” himself. The persecution of geese proceeded as follows: first, geese is released from both sides and, as soon as they start shouting scornfully, they immediately release gander who quickly converge from the incitement of the goose, bend the neck and bristle with the cervical pen, arrange wings, take up shots ( hunting technical name of the bone from the butterfly to the breast) and gnaw on them each other’s feather and down to the bone. The battle lasts usually about an hour and ends with the flight one sides.